
First Korean Wedding

I went to a friend's sister's wedding. A Korean wedding has similarities and differences from an American wedding. The wedding was at a hall where other couples were being married at the same time and on the same day. There were in different rooms. A buffet lunch was served in a dining hall. The wedding guests from all the weddings were given a ticket to eat food. So imagine going to HomeTown Buffet with 4 or 5 different wedding parties. You could sit with people from a different wedding party. Oh Fun! Although you probably wouldn't. People ate either before or after the actual ceremony. There was a wedding cake but it was only in the ceremony itself and it wasn't for eating. The couple cut the cake together with a sword. And that was the end of the cake; it was wheeled to the side and left for the next wedding. (only the top cake was real the lower layers were cardboard). I asked my friend what the cake was about and she didn't know. Why do something if it has no meaning? Because it is western? It just didn't seem to fit for me, but that is me. The wedding lasted 15 minutes and then it was over. The wedding party took pictures together with the families afterwards. If we were part of the family we would have spent the rest of the day together eating and hanging out at a home. Now, that sounds familiar. Posted by Picasa

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