
Little Things Are A Big Deal

Wow. It is the end of the semester and I'm beyond exhausted. I need to learn how to rest better! It has been a good semester, so good I feel it. ; ) One way I'm resting better is through my newest "toy". I bought an air conditioning unit for my one room apartment. A friend helped me get it. She has Korean connections. It takes connections so often just to get something accomplished. A pastor at a Nazarene Church came from another city with a parishioner to install a used and very nice air conditioner. The pastor even got his black suit dirty helping in the process. (It was his day off) They had to drill a whole in my wall to the outside. Dust went everywhere and I had to spend the afternoon cleaning the mess. However, it was well worth it. What a gift to have a cool room! Everywhere in the USA, well most places, have aircon. But not here. It is amazing how something as little (to me) as aircon is such a big deal here. It is fun to be excited about something as simple as aircon. I can't say I've ever been so excited before about having a cool room. I'm spoiled, I know. Little things are a big deal, aren't they!

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