
I Saw What I Saw

I have been listening to Sara Groves latest CD. Sara has a gift of musical story telling. She captures the rawness of human life in ways that connect with me. The song, "I Saw What I Saw" spoke to me in a profound way. When I heard the song I immediately thought about my experience in Rwanda this year. It is one of those life experiences that has left me with no words to describe. Too much pain. The people I met, however, remain with me in piercing ways. Those few days, those experiences and the memory of the people there continue to call out to me, "Who are you going to be now?" and "What are you going to go to do now?" It is always fun to find out WHAT song writers were "actually" writing about. I was shocked to find out that she wrote "I Saw What I Saw" after her own experience in Rwanda.


Cori said...

Thanks for blogging on this and introducing me to Sara Groves. Rwanda is close to my heart as well and Sara Groves music is very meaningful.

Keith Schwanz said...

Reclaiming Paul: The Apostle in the Emerging World
October 22-24, 2008

presented by Nazarene Theological Seminary
in partnership with Emergent Village
hosted by Jacob's Well Church
“Reclaiming Paul: The Apostle in the Emerging World” brings together Pauline scholars and emerging church leaders for a robust theological conversation on Paul and the Church in a postmodern context. This event will include four major presentations by Pauline scholars, responses by emerging church leaders and a variety of related workshops/breakout sessions. There will be plenty of time for interaction between the conferees, Pauline scholars and emerging church leaders.


Roy said...

What a beautiful post. My family and I had the privilege of meeting Sara Groves at a concert in Troy, MI. She is such a gentle, genuine individual.

I think I met you at NTS with the Schwanz's when we went to Jacob's Well and then the sub shop. But I may be mistaken.

Blessings to you.
