
Mission Training International

I spent the last week at a retreat for missionaries in transition. When I returned from Korea there were a handful of missionaries who told me, "you really should get some debriefing". I knew they were right but didn't know where I could get that. Since I was in Korea as an independent there was no training pre-departure nor has there been any de-briefing on return. Then in early December a friend of a friend told me about Missions Training International. They do a "Debriefing and Renewal" program for missionaries in transition. I had to wait until March to get in. Their training and debriefing weeks fill up fast. Now I know why. I'm impressed by the special care taken in the details of our time together. I was impressed by the realness and vulnerability of the leadership. There was no Christian-ese spoken into our lives. I found the leaders to be full of grace and compassion. They created a safe place for me to be real. They recognized that sometimes there are no answers to our questions and that God is often more mysterious than we like to admit. I came away encouraged to live both within my passions but also within my limitations. I feel more affirmed and confident in the way God has been changing me and leading me.

I met missionaries who served in Asia, Africa, S. America and Russia. I loved that we shared so much in common. The joys and struggles I experienced in Korea were very much similar to others joys and struggles. I found great pleasure in hearing others stories and getting to share my own. Finally I feel normal! I found others who spoke "my language" and I found a language to explain my experience both overseas and in transition. There is something freeing and healing to naming an experience. Our leaders shared that it took them 4 years to feel like they were finally home and settled. That is a long time! It was suggested that if you double the amount of time you were gone, that this number is how many years you've moved away from your home context. So my 4 years abroad amounts to an 8 year gap of change in me and in my home context. I get that! No wonder the transition brings it's own stress and difficulty.

One of the key moments for me at the retreat was during the session on "stress". I was able to name stressors that I had not identified before. I never realized that my daily hassles in Korea were more like traumatic events to someone in my home culture. I survived so long with a linguistic handicap. I just got used to this hassle and lived well within it's limitations.

I had no idea how much I needed this past week. It was so clear on so many levels that God's hand was in my going and our learning together. The best part is that the roommate I had at the retreat lives in KC too. I came home from my debriefing with a new friend who is also in transition. What a HUGE gift from God.

Anyone who has lived overseas for more than a year really needs this kind of a program. If you are one of my friends in Korea who will eventually transition back to North America, I encourage you to put some money away now and plan on going when you come home. You won't be disappointed and I bet it will be just what you'll need. There is a terrific program for the kids and their transition too! It wasn't cheap but for me it was worth every penny.


Anonymous said...

Great! Thanks for the insight!!

Shar said...

Julene- God's hand was in your going to South Korea and in your coming home and carrying on...you will have a tremendous impact in the US, too! Thank goodness for you! Glad you did this debriefing with others in your position. Love to you.

Monica Velez said...

Thanks for the info. Julene. Yes, we do need it!!