
Buy A Book and Give Hope

In recent days and weeks I've been reunited with all of my stuff. Stuff, stuff and more stuff. Too much stuff. I don't need so much stuff. My how I've changed in 5 years. A couple weeks ago I was in Redding visiting my family and I got to go through boxes of stuff I hadn't seen in 5 years. I had forgotten about so much of it. In August 2004 when I left for Korea I left all of my stuff in boxes with some friends in KC. That stuff was moved across country a couple of years ago by a couple from the Redding Nazarene Church. The stuff continued to sit, sit and sit in a storage unit. So much of it I don't want anymore. I don't need it! Why did I keep so much of it?

Ever since I returned from Rwanda in 2007 Steven, a pastor I met there, has been on my heard. A group of friends have been trying to partner with Steven and his ministry in Kigali. He is a father to orphans, a servant of the poor, a helper of widows and a pastor. Steven's tireless work and commitment to following Jesus radically impacted me. So this week as I've unpacked my boxes in a new city in preparation for a new job I knew it was time to do something meaningful with all this stuff!

I have acquired so many books! They are books I don't even use, don't need and could borrow from a library if I really wanted to read them again. My year sabbatical has taught me that I don't need to own as many books as I once thought I needed to. We have a great lending system in the U.S.--the public library. In the U.S. we have access to so many books! There are cheap books and used books like the ones I'm putting on amazon.com. Why would I want to keep all these books shelved in my rooms collecting dust while Steven struggles to give his children an education? What if I could sell them and give the profits away? Where have I heard that idea before?It might not be a ton of money, but it is something.

So here is my plan: If you buy my books, I'll give all the proceeds to Steven and his work with orphans and widows. You can learn more about this at: www.friendsofsteven.org.

Buy a book and give hope! To browse the books for sale click HERE

In the next few weeks I'll be adding more books.

1 comment:

Yoni said...

Happy 1st day of work! Hope it was a good day!!!