
Vypnarka: Day 2

May 16

We started the morning with breakfast and a time of devotions. It was my turn to lead devotions today. We did some Lectio Divina with Ephesians 1: 15-23. And then I read some from a book I’ve been reading this trip. Right before I left got Desmond Tutu’s new book, “Made for Goodness”. He writes on his chapter on perfection and wholeness this:

“But God’s call to be perfect is not just a command--it is an invitation. It is an invitation to something possible. It is an invitation to something life-giving, to something joy-creating, God invites us to a Godly perfection. Godly perfection is not flawlessness. Godly perfection is wholeness. …. We can learn some of the contours of wholeness from people who fully inhabit their own lives regardless of he circumstances of their lives.” (pg 43)

I’m captivated by this idea of “inhabiting our own life”. What other life is there to inhabit?

We joined the worship service. Two of our students gave their testimonies and we all sang in front to the church. That was loved by the people. It really is great how simple things mean so much to people.

After church we shook people’s hands and received hugs and more hugs from the women of the church. We are being welcomed with open arms….literally. We haven’t “done much” yet but it is clear that our presence here is making an impact on people.

This afternoon our team visited the recovery center for men. The center is a small house behind the Nazarene church. It has been operating for 6 years. About 200 men have gone through the 6 month recovery program. 40 of them are now in some kind of ministry or service to God. Currently there are 6 men who are living at the center. I was so impressed by their willingness to share their stories with us. Four of the men shared their journey to freedom and new life. Most of them lost their families and friends because of their addictions. Talk about people who are journeying to inhabit their own lives. They are getting their lives back. The men who have been at the center for along time looked younger and healthier. It is amazing to me how alcohol and drug addictions damage a person physically.

Earlier in the day one of the students and I were talking about what Tutu wrote in “Made for Goodness”. Tutu wrote, “A life of wholeness can meet failure as the wisest teacher. A life of wholeness can accept flaws and vulnerabilities as doors to relationship. If we can do all things flawlessly, we have no need of anybody else.” (49) The student and I reflected on how interesting it is that our vulnerabilities in life and even our flaws invite us to consider changing and that change, when it is change to the good, often invites us to wholeness. So it was so fitting that the guys at the recovery center gave witness to how their own failures became their “wisest teacher“. As the guys spoke I heard them talk about the doors of relationships that have opened up in their lives because they’ve decided to inhabit their lives. They’ve decided to stare their flaws and vulnerabilities in the face (and allow others to stare at them too).

It has been a full day of being immersed with the church and the ministry of the church. I even got to get out and run with one of our students. I celebrate anytime I can get exercise.

Tomorrow we begin our playground and painting projects. We’ll have our first kids camp too. The journey continues.

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