
Katele: Monday July 26

July 26

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Today Grant, Trevor, Kerri and I headed to the "God is Good" School. Before making it to the school we needed to exchange money. The traffic in Kampala is horrible in the morning. Pastor Wilson parked his car and we walked into the center of town. 4 Muzungo's waking single file on the city streets....I'm sure no one noticed us. I've never walked in town before here. It is an experience that is hard to describe unless you've been here. At one point we were looking down from a top a hill and I could just see swarms of people and cars. This is a dirty place...one of the dirtiest I've seen. The traffic seems to the inexperienced eye to have no order. I've just not been here long enough, I imagine, to figure out the order. We arrived at the Forex exchange before it was open. Of course we did. Luckily we didn't have to wait long. We then trekked back to the car an headed to the school.

We had a great day at the school today. There are 7 classrooms and today we got to sit on three of them. We had a blast just watching the kids and teachers. We are all really impressed by what we are seeing. I am enjoying the fact that we can understand the language. English is the language of teaching! I was surprised by how good the kids were with such distractions sitting in their classrooms--us!

After lunch the kids put on a wonderful series of performances to welcome us officially into their school. It was just adorable. They had a group of dancers and as it was ending Trevor Hall suggested I go out there and dance with them. SO I did. The kids erupted with excitement. I'm sure I looked silly but hey...we enjoyed it.

It is good to be with people I know and to be talking together about what we we've been seeing here today. Tomorrow we plan to continue to visit the kids in their classrooms.

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