
Arm Span Squared

Put your arms out to the sides and turn 360 degrees. Oh come one, try it! That is about the size of the space I'm living in for the next 10 weeks. Well, I'll be going home to Cheonan on the weekends. That will keep this place "fun" I think.

This summer I'm taking an intensive Korean course in Seoul at Sogang University. It is a Jesuit school for those interested. Classes are going great so far.

I didn't want to commute 3 hours total everyday so I found a place to stay. Acutally a friend of a friend helped me find this place. The technical name for this type of room is "go-she-tell".

This tiny room is my arm span squared. It has a tiny t.v., a fan, a tiny fridge, a few shelves, a chair, a bed and a hanging rack. Oh.and a floor, a roof and a door. The door comes with a lock! The bed is smaller than a twin bed but it is comfortable. For the price this place is going to be great. It is quiet and clean.

I'm living in a bar district of all places. Yet it is close to the school. Surprisingly it is quiet. Ha. I'm living on bar row!

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